The Firm owes its consolidated organization and over ten years experience in Civil law with special, in-depth experience in Bankruptcy Law to its founder Attorney Dario Di Gravio.
Founded in the early fifties as a medium sized firm, with explicit desire to do so by its founder, the Firm is able to offer a complete homogenization between each single professional, which means a personal and direct relationship in the professional services offered to the Client.

The Law Firm Di Gravio Gizzi, not only in Bankruptcy Law, in which its surely cutting edge in the national sphere, but also offers assistance in the following: Civil, Corporate, Administrative,  Arbitration and Criminal Law of Economy.









Studio Legale Di Gravio Gizzi | Via Anapo, 29 - 00199 Roma | tel.: (+39) 06 8840830 fax: (+39) 06 8557364 | e-mail:

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